What is Fascia & Fascial Release Therapy?
Fascia’s function in the body is to serve as the ‘glue’ that connects our entire body. It is a clear jelly-like connective tissue consisting of elastin and collagen that surrounds and intertwines into a 3-D biological matrix that holds, protects, and nourishes us perfectly. When it starts to tighten up though, and for various reasons, that’s when the tensions, restrictions, and pains start. This is when you need Fascial Release Therapy.
Fascia is another one of our anatomical systems (nih.gov), which connects our musculoskeletal structures entirely from head to toe. It surrounds and interpenetrates every single one of our muscles, muscle fibers, nerves, tendons, ligaments, and even our bones! Very commonly though, due to various factors, fascia dehydrates and shifts from its healthy free-flowing jelly-like state to a “frozen”, stiffened state. This is when we start to experience pain, restriction, and lack of mobility.
There is most definitely hope and a painless remedy! Fascial Release Therapy returns stiffened fascia back to its healthy, flexible state. “How is this even possible?”, you might ask.
What is Fascial Release Therapy?
In Fascial Release Therapy, we use extremely precise and sustained acupressure on the NeuroMuscular System (connected with the Fascial System) until the tightened fascia lets up and releases and returns to the jelly-like, released state. Over the years I’ve heard, “Wait!? Are your hands moving or are my hips melting!? That is wild!” Or, many just feel the quick release and are amazed that this is even physically possible. Fascial Release is quite the paradox because it is the opposite of deep tissue massage. Logically, we think because we feel the pain so deep, painful deep pressure is the answer or to strengthen already tense muscles at the gym. But, the problem is, is that never seems to work. The answer is: to release the tension, not exacerbate it. The Fascial System will not respond to quickened and deep pressure. In fact, it resists it. What fascia does respond to is sustained and patient acupressure in which it then generously and quickly releases in response. (It has very much to do with the biological nature and function of our proprioceptors - the “pressure sensors” in the epithelial system, our sarcomeres - the contractile units of our muscle fibers, and the Neuromuscular System.)
Many people have told me over the years, “I wish I would have found you 10, 20, 30, 40, 50…years ago!”
What is Fascial Release Massage?
This treatment is recommended for those seeking Myofascial Release while also experiencing the benefits of Conventional Massage. This treatment is the perfect blend of tailored massage and Myofascial Release Therapy. Because fascia is an entire biological system, when implemented in massage, it yields the opportunity for the practitioner to palpate other restrictions. It’s the perfect world where Fascial Release meets Massage Therapy. This option is perfect for those who want to experience relaxing Massage and Myofascial Release. However, if you are experiencing acute and/or chronic pain, this option is not recommended. It is recommended to choose the “Fascial Release Treatment” instead.
[Article Citing from NIH.gov: B, Mahabadi N, Varacallo M. Anatomy, Fascia. [Updated 2023 Jul 17]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK493232/]